Chakras and the Full Moon Release
Chakras and the Full Moon Release
The full moon is a time to release that which no longer serves you. We set the intention for the release and allow it to happen. If our cup is full, there isn’t any room to add to our cup. By pouring out – releasing – that which no longer serves you, you make room for new things to come your way. I’ll be posting an article about the Chakras and New Moon Manifesting soon. That’s when we call in what serves us for our highest and greatest good.
I wanted to write an article about the chakras coupled with the moon rituals so we can make our intentions chakra-specific. If you’re already familiar with the chakras and what they govern, create your own intentions of release. If you’re suffering from a physical illness, you can Google which chakra that illness is governed by. Then you can incorporate it into your release. For example, if you suffer from chronic migraines, you can set the intention that you release any blockages in your Crown chakra that are causing the migraines. “By releasing these blockages, I release my migraines.”
When you begin the ritual, I suggest starting with a short meditation to still your mind and to ground yourself. You can find a short version of my Connecting and Grounding meditation here. Once you have quieted your mind in meditation, focus on the moon and its energy. Feel your connection to the moon. I like to call in the spirits of the four directions and the spirits of above and below when I begin, and then release them when I’m finished. I suggest writing down your intentions of release or printing out this post. When you take the time to write your intentions down, you are placing them into your consciousness. You can burn your paper outside, if you’re able, to finish releasing them. You can find different release methods online.
The following release, based on the chakras, is an example. Mix it up! Make it yours! Or you can use it just the way it is. Happy releasing to the Full Moon!
During this Full Moon:
In my Root Chakra, the color red, the element of earth, I release any blockages that have prevented me from feeling fully alive in my body. I release any energy that is keeping me from feeling attached to this world, the Earth. In releasing, I know I belong here on Earth. I am nourished and sustained by the Earth. I release my fears of survival. By releasing such fears, feelings, and blockages, prosperity and abundance are mine. I feel my roots flow gently into the Earth. I can feel my physical body grounded to her. As such, her energy is my energy. Thank you.
In my Sacral Chakra, the color orange, the element of water, I release any blockages or stagnant energy that are keeping me from feeling my true feelings and emotions in a healthy way. I release any energy that is preventing me from experiencing pleasure. As I release that which no longer serves me, my body is able to move more freely and gracefully. My emotions can flow more easily. By releasing the blockages and energy in my sacral, I know it’s okay to have healthy desires. I can feel the pleasure and free flow of emotions in my sacral chakra. Thank you.
In my Solar Plexus Chakra, the color yellow, the element of fire, I release any blockages or energy that have kept me from my personal power. I release any shame that others have put on me or that I put onto myself. I release the negative energy that has kept me living life through others so I can now live my own authentic life. In releasing such blockages and energy, I own my person power and will. Though I know I am connected to everyone and everything, I stand firmly and upright, knowing I have all the strength I need to do whatever I choose to do. Thank you.
In my Heart Chakra, the color green, the element of air, I release any blockages that have prevented me from experiencing love and compassion. In this space where my lower and upper chakras meet, I release any blockages that keep me from feeling balanced between my physical and spiritual self. I release any critical judgment of myself and others. I release any grief that I have been carrying in my heart so I can make room for more love, compassion and peace. By releasing these blockages and energy that no longer serve me, I know there is an infinite supply of love for myself and others. Thank you.
In my Throat Chakra, the color blue, the element of sound, I release any blockages and negative energy that have kept me from speaking my truth. I release any blockages that have kept me from listening well to others. I release the blocks that cause my words to be harsh to myself and others. By releasing these blockages and energy that no longer serves me, I open my throat to speak with kindness. I speak my truth. I listen lovingly. And I know my voice and my words are worth hearing. Thank you.
In my Third Eye Chakra, the color indigo, the element of light, I release any blockages or energy that no longer serves me. I release any blockages preventing me from my divinely-given intuition. I release the energy that has distorted my perception of myself, others, and life. I release that which has only allowed me to see things as they are in my mind. By releasing these blockages and energy that no longer serve me, I am open to see all that is, as it is. I can see and manifest that which is in my highest, greatest good. Thank you.
In my Crown Chakra, the color purple, the element of thought, I release any and all blockages that have kept me from the Divine and from the divine light within me. I release the energy that has kept me from feeling connected to all beings and all things. I release the blockages that have kept me in my mind, which have prevented me from living and being fully in my physical body. By releasing these blockages and stagnant energy, I am able to recognize the divine within me and others. I am open to spiritual guidance. I have an open mind regarding others and their beliefs. I divinely accept myself and others. Thank you.
With the energy of the Full Moon, I release all that is no longer beneficial to me and my highest good. By releasing, I make room for a fuller, more authentic me. For this I give thanks. And So It Is!